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- 🌿 Since when is THC federally legal?
🌿 Since when is THC federally legal?
Happy Weed Wednesday. Thanks for subscribing. I knew weed go well together. Here's what we got for you this week:
Federal loophole: Delta-8-THC is actually legal
Business highlights: Jetty Extracts acquisition, Leafly expands to California, Bright Green up 216% in trading debut, Q1 earnings highlights
Comeback story: From disability to thriving thanks to cannabis
Pot Politics: Legalization in Rhode Island, significant decline in federal marijuana arrests, Dr. Oz against legalization in Pennsylvania
Technically, Delta-8-THC is federally legal
Source: CNET
What is Delta-8-THC?
According to the FDA, Delta-8-THC is "one of over 100 cannabinoids produced naturally by the cannabis plant but is not found in significant amounts in the cannabis plant." Typically, when people refer to THC they are talking about the Delta-9-THC cannabinoid, which is way more potent. You know, the stuff that makes you wanna eat everything in the fridge. Delta-8-THC is pretty much like diet weed.
Diet weed sounds kind of gross
Anything that starts with the word diet usually isn't good and that might be the case with Delta-8-THC. By using some simple chemistry, it turns out you can convert CBD into Delta-8-THC. We failed chemistry in high school so can't explain how that works, but apparently the end product can get you pretty high. Even though this conversion can be unsafe due to certain chemicals that may be used, it is federally legal.
This is all legal thanks to the 2018 Federal Farm Bill
The bill made widespread farming and distribution of hemp legal. The bill even made it legal to sell the plant's byproducts. Well, almost all the byproducts. Delta-9-THC, the good stuff, is the only exception. Anything with more than 0.3% Delta-9-THC is illegal to sell according to the bill. Lame.
But since diet weed (aka Delta-8-THC) is not mentioned anywhere in the bill, it has been popping up all over the place, especially in states where cannabis is illegal.
Is this stuff bad for you?
We aren't doctors but it must not be great if the FDA posted an image that says "DELTA-8 HAS SERIOUS HEALTH RISKS." These risks are primarily due to variable Delta-8 THC concentrations, other terpene and cannabinoid content, and inconsistent formulations. Between 12/1/20 and 2/28/22, the FDA has received 104 reports of adverse events from people who took Delta-8-THC.
Stuff like this makes us really grateful to live in a state where weed is legal. None of this is medical advice, so make sure to do your research before giving Delta-8-THC a try.
Business highlights
Canopy Growth strikes deal to acquire Jetty Extracts for $69 million
Leafly expands its delivery service to California
Bright Green soars 216% in trading debut
The Parent Company reported a 17% decline in net sales
Cresco Labs Q1 revenue rose by 20% year-over-year
The Flowr Corp saw revenue growth of 64% in 2021
Legal cannabis revenue tops $3 billion in Massachussetts
Cannabis comeback story
@Getty GIFs
There’s nothing like a good comeback story, especially when weed is involved. I think Andrea Wright would definitely agree with that statement.
From kush job to unempoyment
At the tender age of 33, Andrea was forced to quit her kush corporate job in London due to the pain she was experiencing. She loved her job but the constant pain and sleepless nights made it impossible to continue her professional career. As Andrea described, “I had to stop work because the pain was too much. It’s been very depressing…”
Before giving cannabis a try, Andrea was taking up to 40 pills a day but nothing helped. Yes, you read that correctly - 40 PILLS A DAY.
Cannabis medical study
Andrea did not use cannabis recreationally but she did decide to join a medical study at the LVL Health Clinic in London that required her to smoke cannabis. If this sounds like a dream opportunity, continue reading to see how you can join one of these studies.
Based on Andrea’s overview of her experience, The LVL Health Clinic must have had some fire. “To begin with I was completely knocked out but you do get used to it. Straight away my sleep was a million times better. I probably hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep since 2012. I stopped taking any sleeping pills. My pain levels completely dropped as well." It’s no surprise that Andrea describes the cannabis study as a “life-changing” experience. Lucky for her, she is no longer taking all those pills and is able to work again.
Does participating in a cannabis study sound like a dream come true? Check out these opportunities for a chance to be a productive member of society while consuming cannabis.
Pot politics
One step closer to legalization in Rhode Island
Dr. Oz doesn't think legalizing weed is a good idea in Pennsylvania
Legalization bill falls just short of passing in Delaware
Federal marijuana arrests are dropping as legalization increases
New California bill requires cities to allow medicinal cannabis delivery
Expunging marijuana records in Louisiana just became easier
Item of the week
With summer right around the corner, seltzer season is officially kicking off. If you're tired of all the basic alcohol seltzers, you should give the Cycling Frog hemp-based THC+CBD seltzer a try. Not only does it taste great, it also gives you a perfect high that will help you get through any family gathering. Even the 4th of July party that ends with your uncles getting in a fight.
Use the code seltzer25 at checkout to get 25% off your order.
Quick hits
Kevin Durant gets high before talking to David Letterman
Celebrity cannabis businesses are booming
Nipsey Hussle's cannabis documentary just released
Woody Harrelson's new dispensary draws a crowd in West Hollywood
Sacha Baron Cohen drops lawsuit over Borat weed billboard
Best of social media
We've all been there..
— Stoner Videos (@StonerVideoz)
8:01 PM • Sep 19, 2021
Meme of the Week
@Weedmemes | We'll definitely let you know once we find out the prices on Mars.